Team Management

How To Add Users

To add users to your account, first visit the team administration page or go to Settings -> Team Settings -> Admin.

Add your team name and then select the Users tab on the left. Click Invite Members and add the email addresses of the team members you'd like to invite.

Note: You may need to share your templates with your team to ensure they are visible within their accounts.

How To Remove Users

To remove users from your account, first visit the team administration page or go to Settings -> Team Settings -> Admin. Click the "more" option ("...") and select "Remove User".

Billing Details

Additional users are billed according to your subscription plan. Users added during an active subscription will be prorated to the number of days remaining in your billing cycle. Billing will occur after a new user accepts their invitation to join your team. Removed users will add a prorated credit to your account in accordance with the time remaining on their license.


Team members have the ability to create/edit/delete both templates and requests as well as download/review/delete uploaded files. Only account administrators are be able to access billing or team settings (including adding & removing users).


Users can only belong to one team on Pipefile. If someone on your team registered on Pipefile without using your team invitation link, please email and someone from our team will help you resolve the issue.

Team Alias

If you would like to set up a public team alias such that all requests from your team members are sent as one name/email (ie., please email us at and someone from our team will assist you.