Notification Sequences

Notification Sequences allow you to fully customize the notifications your client will receive from Pipefile. Remove our stock copy and replace it with your own contextually relevant content.

Manage your notification sequences

Variables for Notification Sequences

Below is a list of variables available for use within notification sequences. To use a variable use the following format: {{ variable }}

Value Usage
name Insert the name of the current recipient (eg. "Hi {{ name }}, in order to...")
email Insert the email of the current recipient 
firstName Insert the first name of the current recipient
recipientX_name Insert the name of the recipient by order in the recipient list (uses 0-indexing)

Eg. "Hi {{ recipient0_name }}, in order to...")
recipientX_email Insert the email of the recipient by order in the recipient list (uses 0-indexing)
recipientX_firstName Insert the firstName of the recipient by order in the recipient list (uses 0-indexing)
subject Insert the subject from the request itself

Eg. "Missing Documents: {{ subject }}"
item_name Insert the name of the checklist item being rejected

Eg. "Please Resubmit: {{ item_name }}"